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Keen White Uneek Trekking Sandals

by Keen
1.000 DKK

Experience unparalleled comfort and style

  • Iconic Uneek cord-knotting
  • Durable and stylish design
  • Comfortable for long-term wear

These sandals, featuring the iconic Uneek cord-knotting, offer a blend of functionality and aesthetics. They provide you with a unique fashion statement while ensuring your comfort throughout the day.


  • Microfiber footbed cover
  • Microfiber heel back

Microfiber footbed cover

The microfiber footbed cover provides a soft, cushioned surface for your feet, enhancing comfort. Its smooth texture reduces friction and prevents blisters, allowing you to wear these sandals for extended periods without discomfort. Moreover, microfiber is known for its durability, ensuring that the sandals will retain their quality over time.

Iconic uneek cord-knotting

The cord-knotting is not just a style statement, but also a feature that enhances the durability and lifespan of the sandals. The cords are intricately knotted to provide a sturdy structure, ensuring the sandals can withstand wear and tear. The design also allows for flexibility, making the sandals adapt to the shape of your feet for a personalized fit.

Microfiber heel back

The microfiber heel back provides additional support and comfort, making these sandals suitable for long walks or treks. The material is soft yet firm, ensuring your heel is securely positioned while minimizing strain or discomfort. The microfiber heel back also adds to the overall durability of the sandals, making them a reliable choice for outdoor wear.

For similar products, please visit the category Sandals.